An important liturgical ministry is that of the Altar Server. This ministry is open to men, women, boys and girls (fourth grade and older). Servers not only assist at the liturgy, but also model true worship by their demeanor and participation at Mass. Training sessions are regularly scheduled for those wishing to enter this ministry.
Ministers of Holy Communion are given the privilege of distributing the Body and Blood of Christ to their fellow worshippers in a dignified and reverent manner. They also may be authorized to bring Holy Communion to the homebound and to those whose illness prevents them from attending Mass. To be a Minister of the Lord's Body and Blood calls for a deep love for Christ in the Eucharist and a genuine love for brothers and sisters of Christ. The life of one wishing to enter this ministry must be lived in conformity with the norms of the church. It is the responsibility of the pastor to determine who may serve in this ministry. At his request, CM's are appointed by the Archbishop for renewable three year terms.
Are you willing to take a turn bringing the gifts of bread and wine to the altar during Mass?
These Ministers of Hospitality assist in welcoming everyone as they gather for worship. They act also as ushers who assist worshippers in finding seats, and see to the distribution of the weekly bulletin. This ministry is open to anyone wishing to greet others in the name of Christ. At St. Andrew's Hospitality is job one.
Can you come to Mass early to help set up and oversee ministry signup?
Do you have a deep love for God's word? Do you have the talent to proclaim the scriptures at Mass in a way which reveals your personal faith? Scripture readers proclaim God's Word to the assembled members of the Body of Christ. Their effective proclamation reveals the God of history to those who have gathered to worship. Those considering this ministry should have good diction, a basic comfort with standing before sizable crowds, and a strong prayer life. Before one can effectively proclaim God's Word, one must embody the same Word. The life of one wishing to enter this ministry must be lived in conformity with the norms of the Church.
Do you love to praise God in song?
Can you match a pitch and take direction?
It is not necessary to be able to read music.
The Choir is active during the school year. They normally minister at the 9:00 am Mass on Sunday. The contemporary ensemble normally ministers at the 11:30 Mass on Sunday. Do you play a musical instrument? Keyboards, brass, reed, woodwinds, strings, and percussion. We can never have too many! Music practices are on Tuesdays and one hour before the Sunday masses.